Team TYRANT 2025
This is the future of the sport! T's nephew is only a year and a half old and is already hopping on his sisters 18" bike...despite the fact he can't even reach the pedals. Get that boy a 12", a helmet and pads, and lets get him down to Haven :)

I've been MIA for the past week or so and it will continue until the weekend. Been spending a lot of time with family and friends who are in town for the Holidaze. It's been a crazy week and it will continue until New Years Day. I hope everyone had a good Holiday Season and I wish you all the best in 2010. Thanks for all the support in 2009 and here it to another kick a$$ year or riding bikes and having fun!!!
6.0's from Santa
Milnes #8
Props to Sean Milnes, the below video of him made the 2009 Top 10 Fixed Freestyle Videos on Prolly's site. This is awesome exposure for Sean and a taste of things to come in 2010. In addition, Sean is going to be shredding on a new BMX set-up in 2010 so expect some rad sh1t on 20's as well as his fixed!
Open Bicycle - Sean Milnes from Quarter Productions on Vimeo.
Crutching Around
NEW Gear Bag
NEW gear bags now available over at the TYRANT Online Store. These nylon bags are Made in the USA by American Apparel and the 20" x 9" size allows plenty of room for pads, a helmet, clothing, etc. Get ready for those 2010 road trips!

Craig's Famous!
Head on over to the No Cassettes' site and scope out Craig Samuels being all famous on his fixed gear. Yeah Craig! Scope out this video, it's sick as hell! Those dudes rip sh1t up!

Winter Haven
We hit up Haven on Monday and Tuesday for some indoor BMX action! My camera died mid-session last night so I was only able to get a few dozen shots off. Upon returning home I was able to fix the camera issue so I'm ready to rock for next week. Only 3-4 more weeks to go and my hand should be strong enough for me to be riding again! I'm always psyched to shoot photos, but damn I miss riding! 4 months is too long!!!
Monday Session 12/14/09: CLICK HERE
Tuesday Session 12/15/09: CLICK HERE
Bryan Arnwine Ninja Whip

Monday Session 12/14/09: CLICK HERE
Tuesday Session 12/15/09: CLICK HERE
Bryan Arnwine Ninja Whip

Middletown Skatepark???
Apparently the City of Middletown is considering putting a skatepark in the North End, but there is no mention of BMX in the article! Click the Press link below and leave a positive, pro-skatepark, pro-bike comment letting them know riders and skaters are equally as important in the community and we need a skatepark! In addition, I set up links to key players in the potential skatepark development. E-mail them too and let 'em know what's up.
The Middletown Press Skatepark Article
UPDATE: 12/12/09
I noticed this morning that Izzi Greenberg from the North End Action Committee commented on the Press article:
" I think the idea would be to have BMX'ers and skaters together. The rep from Spohn Ranch had great ideas about how to make the space good for both."
That's awesome news!
I still encourage you riders, skaters, parents, etc. to voice your opinion and let the powers that be know a skatepark is a great idea! Strength in numbers, remember that!
REMEMBER: Keep your message positive and be respectful!!!
E-mail Mayor Sebastian N. Giuliano
E-mail Ray Santostefano, Director of Parks & Recreation
The Middletown Press Skatepark Article
UPDATE: 12/12/09
I noticed this morning that Izzi Greenberg from the North End Action Committee commented on the Press article:
" I think the idea would be to have BMX'ers and skaters together. The rep from Spohn Ranch had great ideas about how to make the space good for both."
That's awesome news!
I still encourage you riders, skaters, parents, etc. to voice your opinion and let the powers that be know a skatepark is a great idea! Strength in numbers, remember that!
REMEMBER: Keep your message positive and be respectful!!!
E-mail Mayor Sebastian N. Giuliano
E-mail Ray Santostefano, Director of Parks & Recreation
Hello Winter!
News Blast!
Instead of putting up a bunch of different posts I'm smashing a bunch of new info into this one...
Sean Milnes is hanging up the fixed gear for a bit and getting on a BMX bike. In the very near future Sean should be on a tricked out new 20" ride and will be joining us for some Haven sessions.
Dave Blachura is on a top secret new ride. It's still a 26"...but you'll have to see him in person for details. Look for Dave to be going huge at Haven and any other indoor spots in New England now that The Lot is snowed over.
Tiny TYRANT painted his bike for the like the 50th time this year. Rumor has it his once 4.8 lb frame now weighs 7 lbs. due to all the paint. Maybe that's why the damn thing cracked...from the weight of all that paint!
Aaron Tauscher is doing well rehabbing from his seriously busted leg a few weekends ago. He has a follow-up appointment this week to check on his surgical wounds and the stability of his leg...I'll have details soon. Glad to see Aaron staying strong!
The Team EAST & DropOut BMX crews are headed down to Woodward this weekend and sadly I have prior engagements here in CT and can't tag along as originally planned. Have fun guys!
Rumor has it that come Spring the East Hampton Park & Rec. may be kicking in some cash toward the revitalization or the seasonal Belltown Skatepark down at Sears Park. Pedal Power is already donating a couple grand and with new money from the town we should have some serious cash to buy wood and supplies. Steve Morse is working a new carpentry job and will be bringing his wood working skills to the plate this Spring to get that park dialed. Spring couldn't get here soon enough!!!
That's it! Have fun, ride bikes!
Sean Milnes is hanging up the fixed gear for a bit and getting on a BMX bike. In the very near future Sean should be on a tricked out new 20" ride and will be joining us for some Haven sessions.
Dave Blachura is on a top secret new ride. It's still a 26"...but you'll have to see him in person for details. Look for Dave to be going huge at Haven and any other indoor spots in New England now that The Lot is snowed over.
Tiny TYRANT painted his bike for the like the 50th time this year. Rumor has it his once 4.8 lb frame now weighs 7 lbs. due to all the paint. Maybe that's why the damn thing cracked...from the weight of all that paint!
Aaron Tauscher is doing well rehabbing from his seriously busted leg a few weekends ago. He has a follow-up appointment this week to check on his surgical wounds and the stability of his leg...I'll have details soon. Glad to see Aaron staying strong!
The Team EAST & DropOut BMX crews are headed down to Woodward this weekend and sadly I have prior engagements here in CT and can't tag along as originally planned. Have fun guys!
Rumor has it that come Spring the East Hampton Park & Rec. may be kicking in some cash toward the revitalization or the seasonal Belltown Skatepark down at Sears Park. Pedal Power is already donating a couple grand and with new money from the town we should have some serious cash to buy wood and supplies. Steve Morse is working a new carpentry job and will be bringing his wood working skills to the plate this Spring to get that park dialed. Spring couldn't get here soon enough!!!
That's it! Have fun, ride bikes!
Pier 62
The new Pier 62 public skatepark in NYC looks to be pretty much complete and it's rad! Sure beats the old Chelsea Pier Skatepark...though that clear fiberglass vert ramp was dope! I'm psyched, this park is 11 blocks South of my uncles Manhattan apartment! Looks like we'll be hopping the train to the city this Spring for some overnight sessions.

I went for more x-rays and a post-surgical follow up with the Ortho. today and was told I am healed up pretty solid. The brace/soft cast comes off for good today and I start an intense physical therapy regime next week. Time to work my a$$ of to strengthen the thumb, hand, arm muscles so I can get back on the bike. E.T.A on riding again is mid-February...but no crazy jumping, gaps, etc. till early Spring....not like my old a$$ does that anyway! I'm so pscyhed, it's been a long 3 months since surgery!
Ben Church is fully recouped from his July ankle surgery. Ben got back on his bike last night for the first time in 5 months and plans on getting back into a riding routine. Awesome!
Ben Church is fully recouped from his July ankle surgery. Ben got back on his bike last night for the first time in 5 months and plans on getting back into a riding routine. Awesome!

Well Loved
That's one well loved TYRANT sticker! That's been stuck on the 1/4 at the Rocky Hill Skatepark since Dave and I sessioned there 4 years ago! Random post...I know...but it's cool to see that 4 years of bike-blade-board abuse and New England weather can't take TYRANT down!
2005 Blachura Session Photos: CLICK HERE
2005 Blachura Session Photos: CLICK HERE

Skatepark in EH Update
So there is a Town Council meeting tonight at 6:30 at the East Hampton Town Hall to discuss the Sears Park 5 Year Plan...which potentially will include a permanent skatepark. If you're free tonight show up and voice your opinion! I'm not psyched on the fact that a permanent park could be years away, but I am thankful that we are allowed to set up the seasonal skatepark again when the Winter ends and the snow melts. With Steve Morse working as a carpenter and having access to tools and lots of scrap wood and Pedal Power's $2,500 wood donation we're hoping to deck out the temporary park for 2010. By the time we're ready to set up the park in April my hand should be healed up so I can contribute to the building and be riding again!
Haven in December
I soloed it to Haven last night to meet up with Steve Morse, Stan Zygo, and some of the Mass. guys. It was a pretty low key session, only 20 riders or so...must have been those 65 degree temps keeping the kiddies outdoors. The last few months at Haven have been pretty rad! A lot of old school faces who haven't ridden in years are getting back on their bikes and shredding again. Age is nothing but a number, always stay young at heart and always ride your bike!
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
15 yr. old Josh Gryszan from Mass. going big!

Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
15 yr. old Josh Gryszan from Mass. going big!

More CT 'Crete!
So it appears the Fairfield Skatepark is coming along nicely but I keep hearing mixed messages about bikes being permitted. A few riders and skaters at Haven I spoke to said they'll be permitting bikes, but the skHATERS over on Concrete Disciples are claiming it's no bike.
UPDATE: Thursday 2pm - Got a message that bikes, especially ones with pegs, are "discouraged" from using the park but not technically banned. Rock some PLEGs and hit the place up people!

The photo is property of: SkatePerception.com
UPDATE: Thursday 2pm - Got a message that bikes, especially ones with pegs, are "discouraged" from using the park but not technically banned. Rock some PLEGs and hit the place up people!

The photo is property of: SkatePerception.com
Milnes in the City
Sean Milnes will be headed to NYC on Saturday to get his fixed gear trickery on. I'm sure this is going to be a pretty rad event, a lot of those fixed guys are bonkers! If you're in NYC Saturday check this out...and keep an eye out for Sean...he'll be rocking some TYRANT threads.

As seen on Prolly Is Not Probably

As seen on Prolly Is Not Probably
Best of Aaron Tauscher
I threw together a "Best of" album of Aaron. Apparently he has a new fan club of doctors and nurses as a result of his 3 day hospital stay. Aaron will be signing autographs from his hospital bed till 4 or 5 today.
Best of Aaron: CLICK HERE
Best of Aaron: CLICK HERE

Skaters & Riders at Jays
Steve and I headed over to Jay's ramp for a late night session with Schmidt, Jay and a few other guys last night. Schmidt's buddy Howard and his friend Jared were skating the ramp and totally going off on the coping pulling out all kinds of tricks I don't know the names of...but it was rad. Steve and Schmidt we're boosting some wallrides and tables and Jay was bombing around the ramp at mach speed, 50% in control as usual. Schmidt's riding buddy Tony came down and was pumping around the ramp on his MacNeil Deuce Deuce. It was cool to see somebody else riding the 22" top tube beast. A session at Jay's is always a good time and last night was no different.
Photos from Jay's: CLICK HERE
Photos from Jay's: CLICK HERE
Cromwell Riverside Trails
So I stopped by the site of the old Cromwell Riverside Trails on my way to work today after hearing rumors that some locals were rebuilding them. To my surprise, the rumors were true and jumps are being built down there...but it looks like a young crowd is behind the resurrection. The dirt jumps are small with lots of debris like old tires and scrap wood used to make them. There is an old truck hood set up as a wallride and there is one jump that is literally 1 foot tall with a 10-12" gap. I'm glad local kids are riding and building down there again, but nothing will beat the solid 6 pack and table top that used to exist down there 10 years ago.
Cromwell Trails Photos: CLICK HERE
Cromwell Trails Photos: CLICK HERE

Aaron Update
As mentioned in a previous post, our buddy Aaron Tauscher from Mass. got wrecked at the jam Sunday. Aaron was admitted to Middlesex on Sunday night with 2 breaks to his tibia and fibula which would require intensive surgery to stabilize his leg. I stopped in to see him at lunchtime yesterday and he was in good spirits with his folks by his side. At 8pm last night Aaron went under the knife for a surgical procedure that took several hours but ultimately was successful in repairing his lower leg with plates and screws. I spoke with him this morning and despite being hopped up on morphine, and not eating solid foods in almost 2 days, he sounds pretty with it. I'm going to try to get in to see him again at some point today because it doesn't sound like he'll be discharged until late in the day or tomorrow. It's always a drag to see a fellow rider get hurt, especially when hospitalization are surgery are required!
Heal up buddy, we're thinking of you!
Heal up buddy, we're thinking of you!

Last Jam of '09
Yesterday was the BRING•A•CAN JAM at The Lot and we collected a bunch of goods for the local food pantry. A ton of riders showed up and everyone had a great time. Sadly, late in the day Aaron Tauscher from Mass. went down hard on a huge tailwhip and broke his tibia and fibula, each in 2 places. Aaron was admitted to the hospital and in heading in for surgery today to repair his leg. Good luck bud, heal up!
Jam Photos: CLICK HERE
Hector bringing his lawnmover to dirt

Rumor has it Aaron had a hot nurse.
At least it's not all bad!
Jam Photos: CLICK HERE
Hector bringing his lawnmover to dirt

Rumor has it Aaron had a hot nurse.
At least it's not all bad!

Blachura's A Beast!
So Dave cracked his 3rd frame of the year yesterday!...and blew up his Fox fork! Anyone who has seen Dave ride knows he's pretty smooth, so it's not shotty riding and choppy landings that have done his frames in. Despite Dave going through 3 this year, I can't talk any smack about the Sinister frame he is riding, it's burly! I think the problem here is the fact that the frame is aluminum. Dave goes big and if he does happen to crash they're usually pretty nasty. Aluminum is too stiff and brittle...you don't see any BMXers riding aluminum. A custom cro-moly version of the Sinister frame is in the works for Dave and he'll have it in a few weeks and hopefully that will take the abuse he dishes.
Cross in Durham/The Lot
Yesterday was another day full of bicycle madness! We checked out the Laurel Bike Club cyclocross race at the Durham Fair Grounds. I ran around snapping photos of Lolli as he rode to a 3rd place finish in the singlespeed race. After the cross, I headed over to The Lot for the rest of the day to photograph the guys jumping motos and bicycles, start a small bonfire, and just hang out. I was told today that I won't be riding till at least March...ugh! However, I did get the OK to start running so I'm getting out there tonight to start a training regime to get my a$$ back in shape!
Cross in Durham Photos: CLICK HERE
The Lot Photos: CLICK HERE

Cross in Durham Photos: CLICK HERE
The Lot Photos: CLICK HERE

2 days, Tons of Riding!
So this weekend was pretty nuts...and it's not over yet! T and I headed out to watch the CT State Cyclocross Championships yesterday in Cheshire. We had a small crew to cheer on Matt and Doug of Team Ghostship giving 'em hell in the single speed race. The guys rode well on a somewhat muddy course and Matt took the Holeshot Award winning a lovely 24 oz. brew. Matt also deserved the Best Dressed award in his usual black shirt and red tie. Yesterday night, we headed to Haven to snap some photos and hang out with regular crowd. It was nice to see Matty Still and Stan down from Mass. once again...they're becoming regulars at the park. Tiny TYRANT was going off throwing down some mean ice picks, hop whips, and boosting in the bowl. Everybody was having fun and the session was pretty low key. With it being 60 out yesterday I hope everyone got out to enjoy the sunshine and ride! I'm off to the cyclocross race at the Durham Fair Grounds this morning...no sleep for the wicked!
CT State Cyclocross Championships Photos: CLICK HERE
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Matt gunning for the holeshot!

Tiny TYRANT ice pick
CT State Cyclocross Championships Photos: CLICK HERE
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Matt gunning for the holeshot!

Tiny TYRANT ice pick
East Hampton Skatepark Update
Well it looks like we earned out place at Sears Park and received a positive response regarding this years temporary skatepark. We're hoping to move onto bigger and better things for 2010 and it looks like Ruth Plummer at Parks & Rec. and the town is in our favor. All in due time!
Read this article: CLICK HERE
Read this article: CLICK HERE

Milnes in Beantown
Quarter Productions put together and edit of fixed ripper Sean Milnes busting out some tricks in Boston this past weekend. Check out this edit, I think it is really well put together. Props to Sean for yet more exposure. Sean will be rocking some fresh TYRANT threads this Winter and into 2010, keep an eye on this dude!
Open Bicycle - Sean Milnes from Quarter Productions on Vimeo.
Another Tuesday at Haven
Super fun session at Haven last night! Some of the Mass. guys came down which is always a good time and everybody was blasting big tricks.
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Cristian Maya wall slap at height!
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Cristian Maya wall slap at height!
Baltic Night Session
Bry, Blachura, Steve Morse, and I adventured out to Colchester to check out a few street spots I'd noticed the last time T and I were out there. The place ended up being pretty lame and a bust waiting to happen with 4 cops eying us up in a 35 minute time period. Steve mentioned how we weren't that far from the Baltic park and they have lights on at night so we packed up the cars and headed further East. The Baltic park is really sick, such dialed free form cement transitions and a stellar hip. What a super fun Monday night watching the guys get rad!
Baltic Night Session Photos: CLICK HERE
Baltic Night Session Photos: CLICK HERE
Closed Fist!
A Good Fall!
Jake has cat like reflexes! Any other person would of likely died bailing on a helmetless flair mid-rotation on cement, but Jake landed on his feet and landed it next try clean! Maniac! I've been sorting through some photos from this past year getting a "Best of 2009" album ready to post in the next month or so. I think this crash/bail was the best I saw all year!

Jewett City Prison Park
So I've been hearing rumors about another rad Paprocki cement park opening in Jewett City, CT. I did a little research and found some info...then came across this crushing blow of an article: READ THIS! I can only imagine how much money was wasted on all this high tech security crap when it could of been used for another $10K of concrete in that park. Doesn't really matter anyway...no bikes allowed, you need a pass to get in, 6 foot fence, and there are security cameras that have a direct feed to the State Po! Hell, sounds like a skatepark built in a prison yard to me! What they failed to mention in the article is be careful bending over to pick up your boards...Bubba's waiting!
Sean on Prolly
Check out Sean Milnes and TYRANT getting a shout out over on Prolly Is Not Probably. If you haven't checked out the site before, please do so, some of those fixed dudes have serious skills! Thanks for the plug John!

What A Weekend!!!
Wow, this weekend was so much fun! The weather was ideal, tons of riding went down, and nobody got hurt...you really couldn't ask for much more. We kicked off the weekend by meeting up with Hebrank and friends in NoHo for some veggie dinner and lots of story telling...always a good time. Saturday was an early one...Steve, Bryan, and I headed over to the Wayside Trails early and did a little clean-up before the jam at noon. Saturday's jam was kick a$$! Lots of riders showed up and everybody was having a good time flowing through the jumps. Props to Schmidt and his work crew for getting that place dialed and running smooth for the jam. We hung out at the trails almost into the darkness and then a few car loads headed down to Haven for the evening session. It was super fun riding with the Mass. crew all day. Matty Still, Aaron Tauscher, and Chris Traverse were riding great at the trails and the park. Thanks for coming down guys! Sunday I met up with Schmidt and we headed down to hang out, film/photograph with fix-style rider Sean Milnes. Sean hucked a huge gap which I filmed and the footage will likely be turning up in a new fixed video due out soon...which is rad for Sean! After some street jibs, we hit up Edgewood Skatepark for a while and ended the session at Rudy's for some tall boys and frites...yum! Such an epic weekend, can't wait for the next!
Wayside Trails Jam photos: CLICK HERE
Sunday Fix photos: CLICK HERE
Schmidt getting gnarly at his trails, Wayside

Fix-style Sean Milnes spine huck
Wayside Trails Jam photos: CLICK HERE
Sunday Fix photos: CLICK HERE
Schmidt getting gnarly at his trails, Wayside

Fix-style Sean Milnes spine huck

Long Live the Backyard Ramp!
From 2002-2004ish we rode Ryan Howard's backyard ramp pretty regularly. The ramp was attached to Ryan's house and built on his lower back patio. Sadly, the ramp was recently torn down so the Howard's house could be renovated with new siding and a patio upgrade. There were a ton of fun sessions on that ramp and a lot of burly tricks thrown down. I'm working on a little web video featuring riding and skating from the ramp back in the day...I'll have it up sometime next week.
Tony 80's style footplant on the house
Tony 80's style footplant on the house

New Tiny TYRANT Flick
Brandon Begin has posted a new self edit containing clips from this Summer. Check it out, the kids has gotten really good!
Web Video 5 from Brandon Begin on Vimeo.
Rehab Thumbs Up...kinda
So I'm 39 days post surgery and I'm hoping to get the thumbs up to start intensive rehab and PT on Wednesday. I was told the brace could potentially be coming off and I'd be put in a less invasive neoprene brace. It's going to be a slow, painful process, but patients is a virtue...especially if I want to get my full grip back and start riding again come March. No hitchhiking yet, but the joint is getting flexible and feeling pretty good.

Rock 'em for the Holidays!
New Die Cuts
I made the first round of new vinyl decals last night and they came out mint! There are 4 different graphics all currently available in white. In the near future there will be more colors available and a few new graphics as well. These are going to go super fast...I already have numerous requests, so contact me sooner than later if you want to get your hands on a few of these!
Thanks Ben!

Thanks Ben!

More from Blah's Jam...
Justin Luong shot some dope photos at the jam on Sunday. Head over to his Flickr and take a look. Damn, I need to get a few strobes and some remotes!
Below you'll see Matty Still throwing down a nothing. It was so rad to see Matty, Aaron, and Stan make the trip down from Mass. to ride at the jam. I used to ride with those dudes a few times a week back in the old MSC and Chicopee warehouse days, but sadly those days are long gone and we rarely see one another. Fortunately, Matty's creation Team EAST has been doing well and the guys are passing through CT on a pretty regular basis to do stunt shows. Hopefully we'll see some of these guys and most of the other riders from sunday at The Wayside Trails Jam on the 7th!
Justin's Flickr: CLICK HERE
Below you'll see Matty Still throwing down a nothing. It was so rad to see Matty, Aaron, and Stan make the trip down from Mass. to ride at the jam. I used to ride with those dudes a few times a week back in the old MSC and Chicopee warehouse days, but sadly those days are long gone and we rarely see one another. Fortunately, Matty's creation Team EAST has been doing well and the guys are passing through CT on a pretty regular basis to do stunt shows. Hopefully we'll see some of these guys and most of the other riders from sunday at The Wayside Trails Jam on the 7th!
Justin's Flickr: CLICK HERE

Blah's B-Day Jam
Despite the monsoon rains on Saturday, Blachura's B-Day Dirt Jump Jam still went on yesterday and was off the hook! Riders came from Mass, Rhode Island, and around CT to get rad at The Lot. I arrived at the jumps at 7:15am to pull the tarps and let the sunshine get to work drying up as much as it could by 2pm. Arnwine, Blachura, and Steve Morse showed up and slaved for a solid 3-4 hours blow torching the wet sets, slinging dirt, raking, etc. By 3pm the riders were starting to arrive and the place was pretty mint. At it's peak, the jam saw 40 or so riders & spectators gather at The Lot. People we're blasting the big line and Steve Morse and Schmidt carved out a dirt vert wall that was heavily sessioned. Thanks to everyone that came out and had a good time! A huge thanks to Steve G. and his family for letting us over-run The Lot...and of course, a Happy Birthday to Blachura (even though it isn't till Tuesday).
Rumor has it Schmidt will be having a jam at his trails on Saturday, November 7th. I'll get a flier with details posted soon so check back.
Blah's B-Day Jam Photos: CLICK HERE
Rumor has it Schmidt will be having a jam at his trails on Saturday, November 7th. I'll get a flier with details posted soon so check back.
Blah's B-Day Jam Photos: CLICK HERE
Sunday's Jam
We're hoping Blachura's B-Day Dirt Jump Jam this Sunday will go off without a hitch. It's going to rain like hell tomorrow, but the plan is to tarp off as much as we can and get down there early Sunday to check things out and tidy the place up. If by some chance we need to cancel the raindate is Sunday, November 8th from 2-dark. We'll make a decision by Sunday morning and post it all over the net. Arnwine has been slaving up at The Lot getting the new line dialed and yesterday he was a beast and hauled logs to make this new gem which should be packed and dialed by Sunday...

Blachura's D-Day Jump Jam
It's on boys and girls...Blachura's B-Day Dirt Jump Jam is this Sunday from 2-dark at The Lot. It's going to rain like hell Saturday, but we're not scared...the tarps are ready to be laid out. Bryan and Dave are working to get the place mint by the weekend. It's gonna be bonkers!!! Don't forget to bring some spending money...pizza, TYRANT shirts, and Belltown Skatepark T-shirts for sale!
Blachura bomb drop x-up at the last jam
Blachura bomb drop x-up at the last jam

Pawtucket Skatepark
T and I were in Rhode Island yesterday visiting her family and no Rhode trip is complete without a stop at Circuit BMX. I'm always super stoked to walk into Vic's shop! The place is chock full of BMX goodness and has a really chill vibe...mood lighting, music, etc. While in the area we checked out the new Pawtucket Skatepark. I was quite impressed, it's a pretty rad layout! I'm not going to lie, I almost teared up knowing I still can't ride for another 3-4 months! We'll be Rhode tripping back soon with the whole crew for an early morning session at the park and possibly a visit to Vic's trails. Be sure check to out Circuit BMX if you're in the Providence area...and be sure to bring some spending money...you won't be disappointed!!
Pawtucket Park Photos: CLICK HERE
Pawtucket Park Photos: CLICK HERE
More CT Exposure
Props to Haven and Matty Branscombe for being pictured in the FOCUS section of the new issue of Ride BMX. The photo is a Keith Mulligan shot of a burly fuf that Matty pulled off when the bowl was still under construction last year. As always, it's great to see Connecticut getting some BMX exposure! I got a few snapshots of Matty pulling off the same fuf (seen here) but it was no where near as burly as this shot...

Tuesday Night Bikes
I planned on laying low last night cause my hand was killing me from PT, but Arnwine and Blachura talked me into taking a ride down to Haven to hang out and snap some photos. The session only had a dozen or so riders and was pretty chill. I'll admit, I was sore and lazy, so the majority of the photos were shot from one vantage point. Remember, the Save The Ta Ta's Jam is this Saturday at Haven to benefit the Susan J. Komen for the Cure Foundation.
Tuesady Night Photos: CLICK HERE
Tuesady Night Photos: CLICK HERE
Making Progress
I can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks since my surgery! Luckily time is passing pretty quick and I'm making progress day by day. I started physical therapy this morning and my range of motion is pretty good...which is a great start! I still have 5 weeks to go in my brace, but I'm tolerating it. I swear I look like Lucas from that crazy 80's movie The Wizard. My brace is like the freakin' Nintendo Powerglove! Anyway, 3 months to go and I'll hopefully be back on the bike!

I'm not sure if anybody caught the Channel 3 News last night but apparently there is talk of turning Heaven into a legit skatepark. Of course, there was no talk of BMX, just how much skateboards frequent the park, but none the less it would be rad if a park was built right there in downtown Hartford.
Read the article and watch the news report: CLICK HERE
Arnwine flying high in Heaven
Read the article and watch the news report: CLICK HERE
Arnwine flying high in Heaven

Wild Weekend
Despite being a gimp, I had a pretty rad weekend. Saturday night was the Fancy 50 Fest at the Perry's Compound and it was bonkers! Those kids on those 50's rip! Dave Blachura, Steve Gullitti, and Garrett Pyskaty were throwing down some burly tricks over the center jump. I snapped a bunch of photos, had a few sodas, and watched a bunch of madness ensue. On Sunday I met up with Dave and Bry at The Lot for a while as they cleaned up the new line a bit and rode for a while. Dave was trying 270's out of the slanted wallride and Bry came close to landing a tailwhip out of it! What an ideal Fall weekend, great weather!
Fancy 50 Fest Photos: CLICK HERE
Sunday Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
MTB, BMX, Dirt bike...Blachura gets it done in the air!
Fancy 50 Fest Photos: CLICK HERE
Sunday Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
MTB, BMX, Dirt bike...Blachura gets it done in the air!