Jake's Going Under the Knife!
So after 6 months of waiting to get into a doctor and get an MRI due to insurance BS, Jake finally got his knee checked out. The results were what most of us expected, a torn ACL...and torn meniscus. Man, that is sh1t luck! After all the huge front flip attempts and 720's Jake has hucked at The Lot, a dead sailor bail on one of the small line jumps and a mis-footed landed took him out. Jake goes under the knife in mid-March and will be off the bike for 5 months. Get well dude! Jake will be the one man cheering section at all the jams this Spring & Summer...and peddling TYRANT merch. for me :)

Spring has Sprung is back!
Saturday Mass.
I was being lazy and napping on my couch Saturday afternoon when Matty Still woke me telling us to come to Saturday Mass. Bry and I made our way North through some snow squalls and over some black ice and it was worth the ride. Nothing beats a good old Mass. session, thanks guys!
Saturday Mass. Photos: CLICK HERE
Saturday Mass. Photos: CLICK HERE

Man, I have ridden once in the past 6 weeks. We've totally been giving in to Winter having fun skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and most importantly snow biking! Thanks to Ryan Staron and his hench men the Cromwell Skatepark mini ramp is shoveled off and totally rideable. I met Steve over at the Crompton Park this morning for a brisk 33ยบ session. The whole park is under 40" of snow, but the mini is legit!
P.S. Spring is 37 days away!!
Cromwell Snow Sesh: CLICK HERE
P.S. Spring is 37 days away!!
Cromwell Snow Sesh: CLICK HERE
Banks A Go Again?
So the Portland Banks have been somewhat of a bust, and totally littered with machinery, storage containers, and dumpsters, for a few years now. Due to all the snow and ice we've received the 2 building at the banks suffered severe damage...including one completely imploding! Could this mean the place is gonna sit abandoned and in shambles this Spring?...and we can session the banks once again? Time will only tell!
Winter Carnage Photos: CLICK HERE
Winter Carnage Photos: CLICK HERE

Giving in to Winter!
So it's been snowing non-stop and Haven is closed due to roof issues. Steve and I took full advantage of the mass amounts of white stuff and built a little booter at a local hill. Good times!
Valleyview Booter Photos: CLICK HERE
Valleyview Booter Photos: CLICK HERE