Happy New Year
Another year in the history it went by fast! Happy New Year everyone, stay healthy and stay riding. Best of luck in 2006!
The warehouse in Mass.
So Arnwine and I headed up to the warehouse tonight and it was a pretty sick session. Local rider Aaron Tauscher destroyed the place! He pulled a ridiculous Ruben wallride that cased the top of the wallride it was so high! He also proceeded to kill anything else in his way. To my suprise Weasel showed up to ride....I haven't seen him in ages! He was riding like his usual self throwing down dialed turndowns, boosted one footed x-ups, etc. All in all we had a good time and you can check out the photos at Tyrant's Flickr
Aaron Tauscher with a HUGE Ruben wallride.
Aaron Tauscher with a HUGE Ruben wallride.

Whip's Basement again...
So Steve A., Whip, and I rode the basement tonight and Todd, P. Krol, and John came by to hang out. Peter shot a little video with his new $4,600 video camera...WOW! Thanks Santa! Steve A. almost hit his head like 20 times, was riding a million miles an hour, and at one point hit the light bulb coming out of a ceiling socket (see below photo) with his shoulder on the way in from a wallslap. Check out the photos at Tyrant's Flickr
Steve A. with a wallslap in tight quarters
Steve A. with a wallslap in tight quarters

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays to everyone out there! Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza...or whatever you celebrate. Anyway have fun and be safe!
So its been a little over a week since my surgery and I got my stiches out. The doc said all looks well and as long as I wear the mouth guard I am cleared to ride again. So I'll be riding somewhere this week...I'm even willing to bare the bone chilling temperatures and ride some street just to get back on the bike.
Up and comers in the riding world!
I never got around to posting a few pics of Dave Blachura from a few weekends ago. He and I hit a few parks up on a 35 degree Sunday and he was killing it as usual. Mark my words, in the years to come kids like Dave and Brandon Begin ("Tiny Tyrant") are going to be killing it at the parks, trails....anywhere they can ride.
Blachura has one handed manuals dialed!!!
He took this one the whole length of the box, like 18 feet!
Blachura has one handed manuals dialed!!!
He took this one the whole length of the box, like 18 feet!

Jay's Ramp Session - 12/11
Bryan A. and I headed over to Jay's ramp tonight and met up with Schmidt, Stacey, and Jay. Since I'm fresh out of surgery I can't ride, so I played photographer and ran around getting some shots...check them out at Tyrant's Flickr

Tyrant DVD
I have been working on the "Tyrant movie" for the last few years. I am constantly filming, importing clips, and editing footage. I had this grand scheme to compile tons of footage and put out an amazing, long bmx movie...but the reality of it is that I really don't have the time or the ambition to do it. I've decided to take all the footage I have and create a 1/2 hour DVD packed with solid riding featuring a bunch of local talent. I'll keep you posted here on the site, but I am shooting for a Spring premire at Pedal Power in Middletown.
Out for a while...
So I am having surgery in a few hours and I'm not too excited. I'm having cadaver bone grafted into my tooth socket to fill a void in my skull.....yeah, its nasty! Anyway, I plan on shooting a lot of film in the coming week or so because I won't be able to ride. I'm told any little jolt or trauma could result in the bone graft I'm not taking any chances. Check back later, maybe if I'm up to it I'll post a gorry post surgery picture :)
1 hour post surgery....socket full of cadaver bone.......
6 stiches.......nasty!
1 hour post surgery....socket full of cadaver bone.......
6 stiches.......nasty!

Burgers Warehouse/Ramp Farm Session
So Bryan Arnwine and I headed up to Burger Warehouse/Ramp Farm to ride for a few hours. As usual the locals were going off and Burger was riding at full speed, boosting, and pulling everything. Bryan hadn't ridden a skatepark in 2 weeks, but as soon as we arrived he proceeded to go nuts. See the photos at Tyrant's Flickr. Bry went on a fufanu frenzy, pulling them on all obstacles in site. Stan "The Man" was there sporting his hessian wear and pulling some turndowns over the box. I landed a pretty decent fakie wallride and all in all we had a great 3 hour session. I'm sure we'll be back up real soon guys.....thanks!
Stan "The Man" turnsdown over the box
Stan "The Man" turnsdown over the box

Tyrant on
So to my suprise, I found out that Steve A. and I are both pictured in's "Readers Photos" section thanks to everyone's favorite cameraman Matt Lolli. For those of you who don't know WoozyBMX is a rad online magazine based out of Germany. You may have seen ads for it in the Props movies or DIG Magazine. Anyway, Matt has been shooting a dozen rolls a week and apparently he submitted a couple photos to WoozyBMX and they were accepted. Check it out at WoozyBMX and click on the "Readers Photos" link in the middle after entering the site. I love how the Europeans call abubacas "blunts", like the skateboard term "blunt stall". Thanks Matt for shooting the photos and getting M-Town on the map. Congrats to you too for getting your photos in front of a world wide audience!

First December Street Session
Matt Lolli and I met up with mountain bikers David Blachura and Mike Stock for a late night Middletown street session. We rode for a few hours and hit a lot of new things up. Dave proved to us that he is willing to pedal 25 mph at anything and can manual from here to China. Matt is starting to get comfortable riding street on his BMX, as you can see in past photos he's obviosuly totally comfortable on it riding flatland. He busts out 15 mph mega spins. It looks like the weekend ahead is going to be a good time, hopefully I'll be headed to Skaters Edge in Taunton, MA with the mountain bike crew. Let's hope the snow steers clear of us! Tyrant's Flickr for some more photos.
200 yards of pedaling all out to get up a 50 foot
wet grass bank to land this abubaca.
200 yards of pedaling all out to get up a 50 foot
wet grass bank to land this abubaca.