Cross Madness
So the results have been posted for CrossVegas and I'm slotted as 8th overall. Wow, something was definitely messed up at the scorers table that night. There are missing names all over the results sheet and I'm pretty sure I wasn't 8th. Oh well, here is the podium photo shot by Mia Sullivan Watts, the race promoters wife. Pretty rad!

Another Interbike in the bag!
Another year, another Interbike gone by.
Vegas is fun, Interbike is fun, but man I am glad to be home!
Tony's Photos
Friend's Photos
Vegas is fun, Interbike is fun, but man I am glad to be home!
Tony's Photos
Friend's Photos
Vegas is Vegas....CRAZY!
WOW, another year at Interbike and another 7 days of madness. D.Whip and Digger Davis are out of control...the definition of "loose cannons". Luckily, we haven't gotten the "1 call" yet from the drunk tank. Ghostship Matt and I raced CrossVegas last night and it was pure punishment. Lolli rode a great race and had about 200 yards on me with 3 or so miles to go. Sadly, Matt took a digger on a paved corner and crashed pretty. Matt is a little road rashed and his bike was pretty tweaked, but he finished strong. I ended up ahead of Matt as a result of his crash and to all of our surprise I was the "#1 bike shop employee finisher" in the race winning me the "Retailers" bracket. Man, what a crazy mess of feelings...I felt so bad that Matt took a digger, my whole body hurt from racing, but the fact that I won the bracket got the adrenaline pumping. I ended up getting called up to the podium, got a rad cow bell engraved with "CrossVegas Winner", and had tons of photos taken on me with the winners of the other brackets. Such a great experience on a gnarly grass course. After our race we hung out and watched the mens race which was insane. Lance Armstrong showed up to give cyclocross a go and got shelled...despite a solid effort. All in all Vegas is Vegas...CRAZY!
I have to give a shout out to the guys at Swiftwick Socks for flowing me those rad calf height socks for the race! A shout out to Lolli for hooking me up with the new Ghostship shirt to rock at the awards ceremony. Also, a shout out to Ashley at Outlaw Earth for all the shirt hookups!
Here is a taste of what Jason shot...

Matt Lolli

Lance Armstrong

Tony at the podium
I have to give a shout out to the guys at Swiftwick Socks for flowing me those rad calf height socks for the race! A shout out to Lolli for hooking me up with the new Ghostship shirt to rock at the awards ceremony. Also, a shout out to Ashley at Outlaw Earth for all the shirt hookups!
Here is a taste of what Jason shot...

Matt Lolli

Lance Armstrong

Tony at the podium

Busted Begin
So I got a call from "Tiny TYRANT" yesterday to inform me that his younger brother Nathan took a nasty digger on the backyard ramp. Apparently Nathan was attempting to jump the chunk in the center of the ramp and bailed out, somehow catching his hand on his pedal. The pedal pins did a number on Nathan's finger resulting in a gash that needed 4 stitches to close it. According to Mrs. B you could see the tendon in the cut and the doc said surgery would be required if the tendon was cut...OUCH! Can you say LUCKY! Heal up dude, I'll send a care package to the Begin Compound from Interbike on Thursday.
CrossVegas....its on!
So the start list for next weeks CrossVegas "Wheelers & Dealers" race was posted today and its a gnarly field. Pro's like Mark McCormack are racing in the "Wheelers" race...WTF? Anyway, the 100 rider race will be scored at the finish based on 4 categories. I'll be scored as a "Retailer" since Pedal Power got me into the race, and there are only 28 other riders in that bracket...including Lolli. Looks like I have to kick 27 people off their bikes in 30 minutes to take the win cause there is no way this beat up body of mine is getting me there! HA HA HA! In addition to a ton of riders they are expecting 5,000+ spectators to attend the race...that's nuts!
Rumor has it Lance Armstrong will be racing in the "Wheelers & Dealers" race. Holy sh!t, I'm going to get run over!
Rumor has it Lance Armstrong will be racing in the "Wheelers & Dealers" race. Holy sh!t, I'm going to get run over!
Burn Baby Burn!
WOW, I checked out the forecast for Las Vegas for next week. It is going to be a scorcher! The day of the CrossVegas race is supposed to be sunny and 95 degrees and there is no shade to be found anywhere on that race course. Sounds like I'm in for 40 minutes of roasting! Woo Hoo!...or not!
Treeless barren wasteland = CrossVegas Course
Treeless barren wasteland = CrossVegas Course

Vegas=1 week. Me=Weak!
Yeah, so after 4 days back on the bike I'm not too psyched! My fitness heading into the CrossVegas race next week is questionable and I need to shake the cobwebs outta' my head! Vegas should be a hoot, but it hasn't sunk in yet...I'm stuck in the blur of my everyday life and the 9-5 and its sh!tting on my riding psyche. Blah!
Dead Sexy!...literally.
So Hebrank has taken his obsession with dead birds to a new level. Check out the latest limited edition hotness below. We'll be up in Boston this weekend at the Boston Center for the Arts hanging out with Hebrank and raising sober, vegan hell in Beantown. Woo Hoo!

Clear for takeoff!
We're clear for take off...I'll be racing in Las Vegas after all. After 3+ weeks off the bike as a result of a mid-august crash I got the doctors OK to get riding again. That gives me 2 weeks to get my a$$ back into some sort of racing shape so I can hold my own at CrossVegas. I'm so psyched!!!
In other news...
TYRANT will be headed to Dun Laoghaire, Ireland for a week in December for a wedding. You can bet there will be some madness going on...the city park in Dun Laoghaire has a BMX track! not to mention the Guiness and Jameson factories are just 7 miles up the coast in Dublin.
Word on the street is that Lance Armstrong is coming out of retirement next year to race 6 major events including the Tour de France. Insane! He just tore people's legs off at the Leadville 100 mile mountain bike event...the dude is super human!
In other news...
TYRANT will be headed to Dun Laoghaire, Ireland for a week in December for a wedding. You can bet there will be some madness going on...the city park in Dun Laoghaire has a BMX track! not to mention the Guiness and Jameson factories are just 7 miles up the coast in Dublin.
Word on the street is that Lance Armstrong is coming out of retirement next year to race 6 major events including the Tour de France. Insane! He just tore people's legs off at the Leadville 100 mile mountain bike event...the dude is super human!
Begin's Backyard
So I went to check out "Tiny TYRANT's" backyard ramp today after hearing it had been re-designed and re-layered. Wow, what a rad set-up! 6 foot quarter, mellow box jump in the center, to 5 foot quarter...super fun! Brandon is fresh off a week at Woodward and riding super smooth and boosting his ramp super high! When I was 14 I was happy with a 1 foot bunnyhop. I certainly wasn't airing ramps out 6 feet! I took a bunch of photos of Brandon, check them out by CLICKING HERE...they are worth a look!
"Tiny TYRANT"...big tuck no-hander!
"Tiny TYRANT"...big tuck no-hander!
"The Lot" again...
More photos from "The Lot". Check them out:CLICK HERE!
Arnwine deciding to fuf the kicker instead of jump it
Arnwine deciding to fuf the kicker instead of jump it
"The Lot"
So I finally made it out to "The Lot" tonight, the place where Arnwine and Blachura have been riding a often. The place is huge and has a ton of potential!!! Right now there is a few dirt hits and a monster wooden kicker to lander. As usual Blachura was hucking himself 10-12' off the 6' lip throwing down backflips, lofty 360's, and no footed tricks with ease. I was pretty impressed with Arnwine, the street shredder can jump now! Bry was corking out some pretty 360 flatties and coming so, so close to landing tailwhips. I'm talking 8 foot boost, to whip, to 1 foot on the frame. He'll have them dialed in a week or two...I'm willing to bet on it! Thanks to Steve, who's family owns "The Lot", for letting me come out to shoot some film and check out the area. Goodtimes, can't wait to go back...especially to help dig and stack some rad new lines! Lots of photos as usual, CLICK HERE.
Blachura bomb drop can-can at dusk
Blachura bomb drop can-can at dusk
Camo Bandannas Are Back!!!
Another Man Down
So I'm not the only local off the bike for some time. Jake Lineberry took a digger trying a decade over the box at Skater's Edge yesterday and severely sprained his ankle. Jake is in an air cast and will be nursing the ankle for a few weeks. No fun! Get well dude!
When Jake's not hurt he's hucking himself...
When Jake's not hurt he's hucking himself...