
R.I.P. Ramp

I got word that the Begin's are moving and Tiny Tyrant's mini ramp is coming down. No worries, they are still going to be in the same town here in CT, just a new location. One can only hope that whatever they decide to build at the new home is equally as bad a$$ as the mini they've had. Thanks to Steve and Brandon for all the good times sessioning the ramp and letting me come ride whenever I wanted. It's been a good old time watching Tiny Tyrant evolve over the past few years on that ramp. It seems like just the other day that he was thrilled to drop in on the 7 foot he's basting tables 4 feet out of it. Best of luck with the move guys, call me if you need any help and I'll round up the troops!!

Brandon extending a gnarly fastplant on his home ramp

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